It's not supposed to hurt this way.

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The Pill
October 11, 2010

After a year & a month, I'm taking my 1st ever medical leave. I'm not going into the details.

Fck! 2 months rest! I fear that I'm not going back, in fact, I'm 60% sure of resigning. It's not healthy for me to stay. I need to find a morning job.

I missed my promotion! Almost! Dang my body won't cooperate! Maybe, it's really not for me.

I don't know what will happen for the next few weeks. I'm not sure if I'll see another doctor, pretty sure it'll just be the same result. If you were me, I'm sure you'll feel the same.

One month to Deathly Hallows.

Two months til my next checkup.

Three. I'm missing you more & more each day. I suppose you don't care if I come back or not. WHATEVER I DID, I'M SORRY.

I really am.


You're at Clarkfend Version 11, Watercolored Sky

Eleven would like to thank DA1 for the backdrop and DA2 for the icons.

Email me for feedback.


Jm. 20 y/o. Manila. Bachelor. Provisioner. Blood Elf. Designer. Fanatic. Brains. Talks.
Hater. Silent. Arrogant. Nice. Shallow. Pathetic. True.
Rain & Sunrise. Kisses & Guns. Orange & Violet. Crime & Punishment.

Watercolored Sky is the production of Jmd, freelance at everything. For more information, send me an email.

Hidaka Anime. Jal1x. Audiojock. Clarfend. 2003-2009. All Rights Reserved